Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Flakes

Dear Minnow,
          School has been canceled since Wednesday and yet the snow did not actually begin to fall until late yesterday afternoon. Being home alone has been rough, just too much time to sit and miss you baby girl. A friend of mine from the theatre company I used to act with sent me this quote from Joseph Kennedy about loosing a baby: "It seems as though your whole world is destroyed. But time passes and one day, you find that somehow you have become a part of the world again." When I am outside of the house or around people I feel like part of the world again. At first I felt guilty for that, like laughing again meant I was somehow leaving you behind. But I always feel you Brennan, you are always here with me that will never change. I stood by the window last night and watched the snow fall and knew you were up in heaven seeing it too. It helps to think you are looking down at us. Last night and our friends and family started posting this as their statuses on facebook:
This week we remember all babies born sleeping, or whom we have carried but never met, or those we have held but could not take home, or the ones that came home but didn't stay. Make this your profile status, if someone you know has suffered the loss of a baby. The majority won't do it, because unlike cancer, baby loss is still a taboo subject. Break the silence. In memory of all lost angels ♥
By this afternoon every member of our family and so many of mommy and daddy's friends have set that to their status along with messages to you and words of love and strength for us. I am so touched by their out pouring of love and support.You will always be remembered baby girl and loved. Slowly I am beginning to remember that there is still hope in the world. I know you are sending me that hope little one. Thank you. Mommy and daddy love you so much minnow.

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