Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crunch Time

Dear Minnow,
      Well baby girl, it is time for mommy to get her butt back in shape! I gained 10 pounds in the 20 weeks you were in my belly, I swear at least 5pounds of that I gained in my boobs which your father is a fan of. Tuesday I had my check up at the hospital and was given the all clear to go back to working out so I went straight to the gym and changed my membership to the branch that is closer to our house, something I meant to do when we moved here in September but after the first threatened miscarriage I was too scared to workout. I have been doing gentle yoga all week and today went to my first body flow class since the pregnancy (body flow is 20 mins of tai chi, 20 mins of pilates and 20 mins of yoga). It felt wonderful! Although my abs are already aching, you know what they say no pain no gain :-). I have already dropped 3 pounds! This week has been very busy but also good. Between the start of the new quarter, rehearsals for the school play and the start of rehearsals for the spring musical at the theatre company life, has been a whirl wind. Tomorrow after school I have to take Wrigley to the vet. It will certainly be entertaining to see what the vet thinks about how talkative Wrigs is lol. Wrigley just seems to have a lot to say, about everything, all of the time unless of course he is being held  lol. Daddy and I are going out Saturday night to  celebrate Valentine's Day early since I have rehearsal on Monday. Lately have been searching for things to look forward to. Its hard when you spend 5 months looking forward to something only to have it taken away, honestly though, had been looking forward to having you all my life. Sometimes I feel like all the hope in my life disappeared with you. I just keep searching for hope. I love you minnow with all my heart!

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