Thursday, November 3, 2011

Birthing Class....

Dear Minnow,
      Your dad and I went to our first birthing class last night. Our midwife recommended a hypnobirth class but we missed the deadline for all but one of the classes in the area and the only class left was twice as expensive as the others! Your Auntie Addie (the doula) suggested that since we couldn't take a hypnobirth class we should take a general prepared childbirth class and get hypnobirth books and cds from the library and work on that at home....I really need to get on reading the book, I started it and the whole concept behind the method makes so much sense I just have had a hard time getting myself to do anything to prepare because after a year of being pregnant it feels like the end will never be in sight. So anyways, your father dragged me kicking and screaming (well not kicking and screaming, more like moaning and bitching) to birthing class last night. It was certainly interesting...I think it was more helpful for your dad than it was for me. The instructor went through how to time contractions, the stages of labor and a few different relaxation techniques that our coaches can help us with. When I was in labor with you your poor dad didn't know what to do lol. He kept trying to get me to play games on his iphone and kept asking the nurse if they could give me anything for the pain which they couldn't and I didn't want. It was hard sitting there as the instructor described the first stages of labor because I remember what it felt like. By the time my doctor came to get me for the D&E I had been in full blown back labor for hours without meds, yes it hurt, my back was throbbing so badly I thought I was going to throw up, my ankles ached and I'd go from sweating to shaking but because I was in pre-op I wasn't allowed to get out of the recliner. I honestly think it wouldn't have been nearly as bad if I had known what was going on in my body and if I had been allowed to get out of the damn chair. My body knew what it needed, I needed to be on all fours. Your daddy wants me to get an epidural this time around, he is not convinced that being in labor with you was as painful as birthing your little sister will be. I'm at least going to try to go med free. Alright, I'm off to run errands and then teach Shakespeare up in Baltimore. I love you little one, please watch over your little sister.
              Love always,

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