Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God is good!

Dear Minnow,
                Oh my little miracle baby, we almost gave up on you little one. Early Sunday morning I started bleeding. I was staying at your grandma's house since daddy was in a wedding in Minneapolis. She took us to the emergency room at Howard County General Hospital in Maryland where they took blood and checked our HCG levels and gave us an ultrasound. On the ultrasound screen there was just an empty sack, we couldn't see you minnow. That scared the doctors a lot. They also found out that mommy has A- blood which means she has to get a painful shot anytime you bleed so that her body keeps taking care of you. They sent us home telling us that there was still hope but that things were looking grim. All we could do was wait and pray. Mommy prayed so hard for a miracle. There were lots of people praying for you minnow. We went to see the obgyn today, and she told us there was a 90% chance you weren't there anymore, that you weren't developing. Mommy's HCG levels weren't exactly where they needed to be. Mommy cried and cried and cried. It was like a part of her had died. Daddy held us and was strong for us. We told auntie Addy about the levels and Addy told us not to give up hope, and auntie Kai prayed and the doctor sent us for one more ultrasound. I begged God for a miracle and your daddy prepared for the worse, then the very sweet ultrasound tech turned the screen so we could see and there you were!! There you were in your little sack, with a little yolk, and there on the screen was a little flickering light, your heartbeat!!! God is so good little minnow and for now he is letting us keep you! Keep growing my little one. Mommy and Daddy love you so much!!


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