Saturday, January 8, 2011

Where is God?

Dear Minnow,
      My dear little minnow. God chose not to hear our prayers. The genetic counselor called Thursday night and told us that you have an unbalanced translocation and that there is a large piece of genes from your 17th chromosome. The doctors said that there are no documented cases of this. They also said that there is no way you will have normal intelligent. They are sending us for a level II ultrasound on Tuesday to see if you have any physical features that would tell us what your life would be like. They said you could have skeletal dysplasia which would mean you wouldn't make it past a day or two outside of mommy's belly. Minnow, please show me what I should do. Please show me what would be best for you. I prayed so hard for a miracle, so many people prayed for a miracle and God ignored our prayers. God abandoned me minnow. I am your mother and I love you so much minnow, but part of being your mother is saving you from suffering. I don't know what to do minnow. I prayed that God would make this decision for me, but that prayer fell on deaf ears. I love you with all my heart minnow and I would do anything to hold you in my arms but I don't want my selfishness to be the cause of suffering for you. I have one last cry to God, I pray that he will make this choice so I do not have to, but I doubt he will hear me. I love you so much minnow.
                Love always,

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