Saturday, February 4, 2012

Days Go By

Dear Minnow,
       Hi baby girl! I finally have a moment to sit and write you. Your daddy has been traveling a lot the past two weeks which makes life a little harder then usually. Your little sister and I had a few rough days and sleepless nights but for the most part we're getting the hang of things. She's sitting in her bouncy seat by my feet trying to fight sleep. We went and saw your auntie Risa this week for my 6 week check up, I think she's earned the title of aunt. It was so great to see her! She scooped up your little sister and showed her off to all of the nurses and staff. She also remembered your birthday and asked how it went. She is such a caring person. Your auntie MK asked me the other day why so many people get to be called aunt who aren't actually the guppy's aunt ( she's a little jealous). I grew up with tons of aunts, auntie Laurie, auntie Cindy, auntie Lorraine, auntie Patsy, none of which are actually related to me and then two blood related aunts, auntie Marcie and aunt Marie. I see aunt as a term of endearment and respect for the women who play a big role in your child's life. You and your sister have auntie Amanda, auntie Gina, auntie Beth, auntie Laura, auntie Molls who are not related to you and I'm sure the list will continue to grow. You also have your auntie Kai, aunt MK and aunt Colleen who are my sister and my sisters in law and then your auntie Ruth and auntie Adrianne who are my cousins but might as well be my sisters. I know that's a lot of aunts lol :-). It really does take a village. Let's see, what else is new? I'm very eager to start going to the gym again, I've got a lot of baby weight to loose. I think about you a lot my little minnow, I know your here with us. I promise to write again soon.
             Love always,
ps. Motherhood makes you do strange things, you know how I love making lists so here is a list of things I find myself doing sometimes on a daily basis that probably make me seem crazy to the average observer.
1. Whenever your little sister makes a noise (oos, ahhs, coos) we all make it back to her, it's supposed to encourage her to explore her voice but it feels like we are stuck in an episode of Pee-Wee's playhouse and she keeps saying the word of the day.
2. You have to use special diaper cream with cloth diapers, we have a big thing of coconut oil and a little tub of BUTTer that smells like a pina colata, somewhere along the line I started singing "You put the lime in the coconut" whenever I put the coconut oil on your sister's butt and "If you like pina coolatas" when we use the BUTTer.... any given night you will find me elbow deep in poop in the nursery singing one of those songs, it might seem crazy but it keeps the guppy from crying.
3. I frequently can't remember if I have brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, eaten anything or peed at all that day. 
4. I become disoriented if I sleep for more than 3 hours in one stretch.
5. I have woken up in the middle of the night breastfeeding my pillow on multiple occasions, usually when Maura has slept through her usual every 3 hour feeding thus leaving me disoriented from too much sleep.
6. I can fall asleep anywhere, with any or all lights on and regardless of how loud your dad is blarring the tv, if your sister falls asleep I drop where I am and try to sleep too.
7. There are two boob shaped stains on my side of the bed, I like to sleep on my stomach but when I do so my boobs leak like faucets...I just don't care.
8. Things I would have thought were disgusting don't phase me anymore, I frequently pick pacifiers up off the floor and stick them in my mouth before depositing them back in the guppy's mouth, you might find me picking through the hamper for a nursing shirt, everything I own now has some form of baby stain on it but I wear them anyways, at any given time there is breast milk, spit up, baby pee or poop or all of the above somewhere on my persons...I really do love motherhood though I promise :-)

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