Dear Minnow,
Mommy has waay too much time on her hands these days. Your daddy keeps reminding me that my most important job right now is to grow your little sister, which certainly is my first priority, but you know me minnow I need an artistic outlet. This is the longest I have gone without directing or rehearsing for a production in almost 8 years! I know it's only been a whopping two, almost three months since my last directing project closed but I am honestly going stir crazy! I love the theatre I am currently working for but my new role has me concentrating more on creating and fostering community partnerships and running outreach programs which I truly enjoy but a part of me seriously misses directing. I have to be honest little one, I also miss teaching everyday. I miss the repetition of getting up each morning, watching the sun rise as I drive to school, shooting the breeze with Greg and Bob before getting the TV studio up and running for the kids. I miss my crazy, horribly behaved 8th graders and my 7th graders who were always so sweet and creative. I know if I had stayed at the middle school this year with that horrible principal who referred my to pregnancy with you as my "sickness" I would have spent the few months worrying that I would let my students down or get fired if I lost this baby too. I guess going crazy from boredom out weighs going crazy with worry, besides I really like it here in Maryland. So what exactly have I been doing with all of this pent up artistic energy you might ask? I've been pouring it all into making the cutest darn nursery I could imagine.
Glider was a good will find, the mirror is a hand me down I revamped, the quilt is from a consignment shop in RI and the lamp was only $19.99! |
This bureau was sitting in your grandma's basement so Nic and I sanded and painted it, the bouncy chair and changing pad are from the consignment sale |
The crib and the lamp are the only new things we bought new and the crib better be worth all of the hassle from babies r us lol |
I turned the mobile I made into a sun catcher instead |
You certainly have one thrifty mama :-). I'm thinking of making a mosaic of a starfish to hang above the changing table, I'm still not sure if it'll work but I'm going to head over to the craft store in the morning and check it out. I miss you little one. The nursery I had in my head for you was so completely different than this one. Yours was already painted drowsy lavender, it was this soft lilac color that looked blue if you put blue accessories near it and purple if you added yellows and whites. I picked out the color when we moved in to the old house before I was pregnant with you. Your cousin Tori was going to paint you a mural based on a picture I had found of a pirate ship in a beautiful sunset of warm colors with a mermaid beneath the waves. It's strange to say but I just knew you weren't a pink girly girl :-). You were my minnow, my little fighter. Had you lived I just know you would have been a tomboy like I was as a kid, out climbing trees and getting leaves caught in your pigtails. Maura Grace is different though, she feels different and even when I was trying to convince myself that she was a boy, her name had already come to me and for some reason loud and clear so did the color pink lol. You were a girl after your mother's heart, I have a funny feeling Maura will be daddy's little princess :-). I love you both more than words can say minnow. Please watch over your little sister and send her to us safe in December. Just 9 more weeks. I love you Brennan.
29 weeks with Guppy |
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