Dear Minnow,
What a week it has been. I should really start by telling you about the events of the week before last, there was an earthquake! It was just a few days before our big move to Maryland so thankfully your Daddy was home packing with me. I was sitting on the couch checking my email when I started to hear and feel rumbling. It started pretty softly, I thought it was your Dad moving furniture around upstairs so I wasn't worried but then the whole townhouse began to shake violently. Your Dad ran down the stairs and pulled me into the door way (apparently that is what you are supposed to do during an earthquake). He started laughing and said we're having an earthquake, I was so scared I through my arms around him and told him in not so nice words that he was crazy, Virginia doesn't get earthquakes. After a few minutes it stopped and we joined the neighbors outside in what the hell just happened discussions. And of course to top it all off, Wrigley had freaked out and ended up missing for hours before Daddy found him stuck behind the basement stairs in the crawl space and got him out. This past weekend just after our big move we were hit with hurricane Irene. Your Daddy and Grandma didn't want to listen to me about how to prepare for the storm. I happen to be an old pro at hurricanes, I did grow up in Rhode Island after all and have been through some big ones especially Bob. They insisted that we wouldn't get hit and for a while I thought she was right. We didn't bother to fill the bathtub with water or to get the flashlights out, I did convince them to bring in the lawn furniture though lol. When the storm hit we couldn't hear the wind at all from inside our new big house so we thought we weren't getting the storm. Then the power went out, thank goodness someone had stunk up the bathroom so I had lit two glad candles in the family room lol. We used them to find flashlights and more candles then went to bed. When we woke up we still didn't have power and realized that the big tree in our new backyard had completely been up rooted and lots of trees and branches were down in the neighborhood! We all slept through it baby girl! I had been up my usual 5 times that night to pee (your little sister likes to kick me through the night, especially my bladder) and hadn't heard the wind at all through the walls or windows! I was so thankful that we were all safe and just without power for a day and a half. I guess they will listen to me next time about how to prepare for a storm lol. I miss you little one. I am so thankful for every kick I feel from your little sister, please watch over the guppy. I love you my minnow.
Love always,
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