Dear Minnow,
18 weeks with guppy |
Hi baby girl. I know it has been a while since I last wrote, it has been a very busy summer! I am having a fun but tiring time running drama camp again this summer. Yesterday was Mad Scientist Day! We ran all sorts of crazy experiments for the kids. Gotta love getting paid to make mentos and diet coke explode lol. Mommy's belly is growing and growing minnow! I know that should make me let go of some of the fear but it's so hard when you've had your world taken away from you once before. I promised myself I would do all of the fun pregnant things normal women do that I never got to do with you so this week I have begun to register for baby things and have started to plan the nursery. Doing all of these things make me miss you though. I miss you terribly little one. I am truly trying to relax and have hope that your little sister will be born happy and healthy in December but December seems so far away. I am 18 weeks pregnant and that was when I started having contractions with you. They started out as back pain and then at 19 weeks at your level II ultrasound we found out you weren't going to make it. All the memories have come flooding back minnow. Everyone keeps telling me to keep in mind that this pregnancy is different but I still get so scared over every little ache and pain. I know going in for a sanity check with Resa would calm me but with camp it is impossible to get there before they close. Maybe I will luck out and everyone will be picked up on time today. I love you my little minnow with all my heart. I have started to feel your little sister fluttering around in my belly. It seems so surreal. Please keep an eye on your little sister. I love you always baby girl.
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