Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Busy Bee

Dear Minnow,
      Things have been so busy lately! My first play here at the school opens this weekend and we are nowhere near ready to go on. I know the kids and I will pull it together in the end but until then I will be rushing around trying to get things done. I also agreed to direct the spring show at the high school which brings which means I am now directing three shows that all open in the month of April! I know baby girl, your mama is crazy but I really am enjoying myself. For the first time in a long time I feel completely artistically fufilled. I am now spending about 13 hours a day either in rehearsals or teaching theatre in my classroom, it is wonderful! I have been thinking a lot about spring break this year and I know it is a bad idea for me to be home alone the entire week with nothing to do. I am going to see about taking a mini road trip, maybe up to RI to see your Auntie Kai and Mimi or maybe up to the lodge in MD. I also need to recruit walkers for the March of Dimes, so far it is just your Daddy, Auntie MK and I. I miss you my little minnow, I know you are with me always but my arms still long to hold you, they always will.
              Love Always,

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