Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Is this goodbye?

Dear Minnow,
      We went to the hospital for a level II ultrasound yesterday. We were there for so long, sitting in a waiting room full of very happy, very pregnant women. We watched you on the screen for a long time, as before you would not behave. The sonographer said that she thinks you might be a girl minnow, but she was very concerned with your chin. She left for a while to try to get you to settle down and lay in the right position. When she came back you behaved for a minute and she was able to get pictures of your profile and face. Baby girl, it looks like you barely have chin at all and that one of your legs is hyper extended. The doctor at the hospital said it could be one of two pages of syndromes or chromosomal issues, most of which include some form of mental disability. All we can do is try to get a CVS done this week before you are too big to do one to rule out the chromosomal malformations, but it could still be one of the completely mentally and physically debilitating syndromes. They want to know if we want to end the pregnancy and say goodbye to you. Mommy doesn't know what to do. Mommy's heart is breaking so badly, she feels like she has already lost you. Daddy is so scared. What do we do minnow? A life without a mind of your own, without communication or the ability to walk isn't a life I want for you but how can I justify ending the life God put inside me? The life he saved from miscarriage? Minnow please show mommy and daddy what to do. Please grow a jaw, please be a normal chubby happy baby. Please be my daughter. God please help us. I can't do this alone. Minnow please, please show the doctors what is wrong so we will know what to do. I still love you no matter what. Please grow.

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