Dear Minnow,
On December 21, 2011 at 5:48pm your little sister Maura Grace (aka guppy) entered the world safe and sound, all 8lbs 3oz, 20 inches of her. :-). I couldn't be happier or more grateful to God. I could feel you there with us little one. I love you always and forever so does daddy and guppy.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Occupy Fish
Dear Minnow,
Your little sister is still hanging in there. She is a stubborn little one, she must get it from her Portuguese side. Your auntie Kai has started calling this Occupy Fish instead of baby watch. I'm being induced on Wednesday, December 21st, 2011...I realized yesterday that I was induced with you on a Wednesday, Wednesday, January 19th, 2011. I keep praying your sister will come on her own so that the doctors won't have to give me pitocin like I had for you but she just doesn't want to budge. I'm honestly a little scared about being induced on a Wednesday since I lost you on a Wednesday. I know that is silly of me and I'm trying to push it out of my mind but I'm still scared something will go wrong and I'll loose guppy too. I miss you little one. Your Brennan bear from Molly Bears came this week! It is so cute and even has little seashell buttons. I am going to bring her to the hospital with me on Wednesday so you will be there in spirit with us. I really wish your little sister would come on her own but I have tried everything, evening prime rose oil, raspberry tea, walking, acupuncture, I'll just have to get over my fear of pitocin. I miss you minnow. I promise to post pictures of your molly bear soon. Here is a pic of the wreath I made today and one of mommy's huge belly from this week. We love you always Brennan, please keep your little sister safe.
Love always,
Your little sister is still hanging in there. She is a stubborn little one, she must get it from her Portuguese side. Your auntie Kai has started calling this Occupy Fish instead of baby watch. I'm being induced on Wednesday, December 21st, 2011...I realized yesterday that I was induced with you on a Wednesday, Wednesday, January 19th, 2011. I keep praying your sister will come on her own so that the doctors won't have to give me pitocin like I had for you but she just doesn't want to budge. I'm honestly a little scared about being induced on a Wednesday since I lost you on a Wednesday. I know that is silly of me and I'm trying to push it out of my mind but I'm still scared something will go wrong and I'll loose guppy too. I miss you little one. Your Brennan bear from Molly Bears came this week! It is so cute and even has little seashell buttons. I am going to bring her to the hospital with me on Wednesday so you will be there in spirit with us. I really wish your little sister would come on her own but I have tried everything, evening prime rose oil, raspberry tea, walking, acupuncture, I'll just have to get over my fear of pitocin. I miss you minnow. I promise to post pictures of your molly bear soon. Here is a pic of the wreath I made today and one of mommy's huge belly from this week. We love you always Brennan, please keep your little sister safe.
Love always,
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38 weeks and some odd days with Guppy |
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Figured I'd put the extra Christmas tree branches to good use |
Thursday, December 8, 2011
14 months
Dear Minnow,
It has been an interesting week baby girl. The week started out with the entire family including some of your daddy's NY cousins going to brunch at the officer's club to celebrate your great granddad's 80th birthday. It was such a lovely day! On top of brunch being a delicious start to the holiday season, we walked into the club and there was a children's madrigal choir singing in the lobby. I couldn't see the kid's faces but asked someone what school they were from. Low and behold they were from the middle school I taught theatre at last year! I was so great to see the choir teacher, who even brought the kids over to sing happy birthday for granddad and to get hugs from a few of my old students :-). The day ended with a nice nap and then yoga class at the thrift store which really helped release some of my stress. I was really hoping the evening prime rose oil would work some magic on my cervix this week and bring your little sister closer to being born but there was no change at my 37 week check up Tuesday. That made me pretty bummed but thankfully it was also SPALS night (subsequent pregnancy after a loss support group). I love SPALS, I don't know how I would have stayed sane or gotten through this pregnancy without their support. I thank God everyday for bringing these amazing women into my life! I'm trying to let go of the last of my worries and come to terms with the fact that I'm going to have to be induced on the 21st. I just pray that God will continue to keep your little sister safe. I was thinking today, I have officially been pregnant for 14 out of the last 16 months....that is a freaking long time to be pregnant! I started making a mental list today of signs I've been pregnant for to long so I included what I've come up with so far. I miss you tons little one but I know your right here with us. I love you always.
You Know You've Been Pregnant For To Long When:
1) Your maternity jeans have started to wear through in the thighs from wearing them so much.
2) You no longer remember what real jeans feel like...or if you even still own a pair of non maternity jeans.
3) Getting up every few hours for feedings will be a welcome vacation from getting up to pee every 30 mins.
4) You don't own two bras that are the same size ( I went from an A to a D and now my cup runneth over)
5) Remember when you could wear heels?....I don't.
6) You've had to run to payless on the way to an event because your feet were too swollen to fit in your shoes.
7) Breathing out of your nose is a luxury...scratch that breathing these days has become a luxury guppy loves my ribcage.
8) Your stomach moving on it's own has become the norm to you.
9) You out weigh your husband.
10)Alcohol.....what's that?
It has been an interesting week baby girl. The week started out with the entire family including some of your daddy's NY cousins going to brunch at the officer's club to celebrate your great granddad's 80th birthday. It was such a lovely day! On top of brunch being a delicious start to the holiday season, we walked into the club and there was a children's madrigal choir singing in the lobby. I couldn't see the kid's faces but asked someone what school they were from. Low and behold they were from the middle school I taught theatre at last year! I was so great to see the choir teacher, who even brought the kids over to sing happy birthday for granddad and to get hugs from a few of my old students :-). The day ended with a nice nap and then yoga class at the thrift store which really helped release some of my stress. I was really hoping the evening prime rose oil would work some magic on my cervix this week and bring your little sister closer to being born but there was no change at my 37 week check up Tuesday. That made me pretty bummed but thankfully it was also SPALS night (subsequent pregnancy after a loss support group). I love SPALS, I don't know how I would have stayed sane or gotten through this pregnancy without their support. I thank God everyday for bringing these amazing women into my life! I'm trying to let go of the last of my worries and come to terms with the fact that I'm going to have to be induced on the 21st. I just pray that God will continue to keep your little sister safe. I was thinking today, I have officially been pregnant for 14 out of the last 16 months....that is a freaking long time to be pregnant! I started making a mental list today of signs I've been pregnant for to long so I included what I've come up with so far. I miss you tons little one but I know your right here with us. I love you always.
You Know You've Been Pregnant For To Long When:
1) Your maternity jeans have started to wear through in the thighs from wearing them so much.
2) You no longer remember what real jeans feel like...or if you even still own a pair of non maternity jeans.
3) Getting up every few hours for feedings will be a welcome vacation from getting up to pee every 30 mins.
4) You don't own two bras that are the same size ( I went from an A to a D and now my cup runneth over)
5) Remember when you could wear heels?....I don't.
6) You've had to run to payless on the way to an event because your feet were too swollen to fit in your shoes.
7) Breathing out of your nose is a luxury...scratch that breathing these days has become a luxury guppy loves my ribcage.
8) Your stomach moving on it's own has become the norm to you.
9) You out weigh your husband.
10)Alcohol.....what's that?
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37 weeks with little sister Guppy |
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Dear Minnow,
It is officially December baby girl. I usually love everything to do with Christmas, when I was a kid my mom used to let us invite our friends over to decorate the house and tree. She would put sugar cookies in the oven and play our favorite tape of Christmas carol spoofs (The 12 things at Christmas that are such a pain to me, Grandma got run over by a reindeer ext) and we would all laugh and laugh and as we put together our fake Christmas tree and fight over who would hide baby Jesus (we hide him until Christmas eve then place him in the manger). Christmas' with my in-laws are just as joyous although much much louder :-) and every year since your daddy and I were first dating I would look forward to being thrown in the loud mix of 20 something cousins, aunts, uncles, and siblings preparing Christmas ever dinner and tearing apparent presents. But last year I spent the holiday feeling so lost and alone on the inside and having to fake a smile and get through the family celebration while everyone turned a blind eye to my baby bump. I had the CVS and Amniocentesis last December and your daddy and I spent the holiday praying for some shred of good news. I remember sitting in church and crying, Christmas is about celebrating birth, the birth of our Lord, and there I was knowing deep inside that you were never going to celebrate a Christmas with us and wondering why I wasn't being allowing to carry a healthy child, why my child? Your dad and I talked a lot about this the other day on our way home from our 36 week check up for your little sister. You changed us baby girl, your daddy and I will never be the same people we were before we lost you, before I carried you, but we've realized that you changed us for the better. We love deeper, we appreciate life more, you showed me who I want to have a part in my life and not to waste this precious life surrounded by negative energy or sending out negative energy. You've helped me form connections to such amazing people and you've shown me the type of mother I want to be. I pray I will get a chance to be that type of mother to your little sister. We had our 36 week check up and met our doula this week. The doula is so nice and compassionate and really seemed to hit it off with us and Resa. Your sister has dropped and engaged which is great but my cervix is still hard and only 1cm dilated so we are starting to try natural ways of getting the cervix to soften, we are truly hoping that your little sister will come on her own before the 21st so that we do not have to use medication to induce. I just want her here safe and alive. Please watch over her Brennan. This weekend we will put up the tree and go to brunch for your great grandpa's 80th birthday. The house will be filled with relatives and Christmas music and I am going to try to be hopeful. I am going to try to soak it in and enjoy it and pray that by the time Christmas Eve comes I will holding your little sister in my arms. I love you with all my heart my little minnow and I miss you every second of every day and despite all of the pain, I thank God for making me your mother.
Love always,
PS. Almost a year ago I put our name on a waitlist for a Molly Bear, it's an organization that makes teddy bears for angel mommys so they will have something to hold in their arms when they can't hold their babies. I think it is such an amazing organization and especially right after I lost you all I wanted was to feel your weight in my arms. They had a fundraiser the other day where if you were one of the first to donate they would send you your bear by Christmas and we were one of the first to donate! I am so excited to see your bear, it is going to be a gift from you to your little sister so you will always be with her. :-)
It is officially December baby girl. I usually love everything to do with Christmas, when I was a kid my mom used to let us invite our friends over to decorate the house and tree. She would put sugar cookies in the oven and play our favorite tape of Christmas carol spoofs (The 12 things at Christmas that are such a pain to me, Grandma got run over by a reindeer ext) and we would all laugh and laugh and as we put together our fake Christmas tree and fight over who would hide baby Jesus (we hide him until Christmas eve then place him in the manger). Christmas' with my in-laws are just as joyous although much much louder :-) and every year since your daddy and I were first dating I would look forward to being thrown in the loud mix of 20 something cousins, aunts, uncles, and siblings preparing Christmas ever dinner and tearing apparent presents. But last year I spent the holiday feeling so lost and alone on the inside and having to fake a smile and get through the family celebration while everyone turned a blind eye to my baby bump. I had the CVS and Amniocentesis last December and your daddy and I spent the holiday praying for some shred of good news. I remember sitting in church and crying, Christmas is about celebrating birth, the birth of our Lord, and there I was knowing deep inside that you were never going to celebrate a Christmas with us and wondering why I wasn't being allowing to carry a healthy child, why my child? Your dad and I talked a lot about this the other day on our way home from our 36 week check up for your little sister. You changed us baby girl, your daddy and I will never be the same people we were before we lost you, before I carried you, but we've realized that you changed us for the better. We love deeper, we appreciate life more, you showed me who I want to have a part in my life and not to waste this precious life surrounded by negative energy or sending out negative energy. You've helped me form connections to such amazing people and you've shown me the type of mother I want to be. I pray I will get a chance to be that type of mother to your little sister. We had our 36 week check up and met our doula this week. The doula is so nice and compassionate and really seemed to hit it off with us and Resa. Your sister has dropped and engaged which is great but my cervix is still hard and only 1cm dilated so we are starting to try natural ways of getting the cervix to soften, we are truly hoping that your little sister will come on her own before the 21st so that we do not have to use medication to induce. I just want her here safe and alive. Please watch over her Brennan. This weekend we will put up the tree and go to brunch for your great grandpa's 80th birthday. The house will be filled with relatives and Christmas music and I am going to try to be hopeful. I am going to try to soak it in and enjoy it and pray that by the time Christmas Eve comes I will holding your little sister in my arms. I love you with all my heart my little minnow and I miss you every second of every day and despite all of the pain, I thank God for making me your mother.
Love always,
PS. Almost a year ago I put our name on a waitlist for a Molly Bear, it's an organization that makes teddy bears for angel mommys so they will have something to hold in their arms when they can't hold their babies. I think it is such an amazing organization and especially right after I lost you all I wanted was to feel your weight in my arms. They had a fundraiser the other day where if you were one of the first to donate they would send you your bear by Christmas and we were one of the first to donate! I am so excited to see your bear, it is going to be a gift from you to your little sister so you will always be with her. :-)
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