Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cupcakes, Muffins or Haircut?

Dear Minnow,
         Today has been a pretty good day so far.You have not been a happy camper this week. The antibiotics they gave us for the UTI and Sinus infection have been making us very sick each morning, this morning was no exception but I took a morning sickness pill and ate some lunch and seem to be doing better. Your daddy on the other hand caught our sinus infection, which for your father is a very big deal. He doesn't just get colds, he gets "Man Colds", which means that no matter how bad anyone else's cold or sinus infection is, his is ten times worse. It's actually pretty funny, and I guarantee if your a boy you will inherit daddy's man colds. :-) Now, what to do with the rest of our day minnow? Or rather what should we do with the few hours we have between teaching at the middle school and teaching at GMU? Based on the craving I'm having your vote is that we bake cupcakes or blueberry muffins, or both but mommy is debating getting her hair done. As usual it looks like you win, cupcakes it is :-). You've already got me wrapped around your finger minnow. Keep on growing little one.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Under the weather

Dear Minnow,
          Being pregnant is hard. It is worth it, but it is much harder than I expected. Honestly minnow, I thought I would be glowing and dancing around happily awaiting your arrival, apparently that only happens in movies. My poor body is working so hard at creating you that our immune system has, as your Meme would say, "shit the bed." It looks like mommy has a urinary tract infection (trust me they are not fun) and a sinus infection, so the doctor gave us some antibiotics that are safe for you and sent us home to bed where we have been curled up since this afternoon. Luckily we only have to teach one class in the morning and can come home and cuddle back into bed before daddy even leaves for work. We'll be taking it easy for the next few days. Feel better my little minnow and keep growing! Mommy and daddy love you so much!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Dear Minnow,
         I thought it might be fun to keep a list of the weird cravings you've been causing these past few weeks :-). So here it goes:

Week 4 (and before I knew you existed): Shrimp, more specifically terriyaki shrimp stir fry. I ate it three or four times that week for dinner!

Week 5: Hummus and Wheat Thins, Soy Milk or anything creamy

Week 6: Cereal, Peanut Butter and Capri Sun

Week 6.5: Cereal craving became more specific....Special K with Red Berries but only with cold soy milk.

You apparently also have aversions to certain foods and smells. So here goes

Things That Make Us Gag (this is more of an on going, ever growing list):

The smell of raw chicken (I couldn't go near the sink for a week because a pan I used to cook chicken was in there)
The smell of the Asian Market next to the school
Preggo Pops....yes the pops designed to fight morning sickness make me wanna up chuck upon contact
Really dry or crunchy things
Anything deep fried or greasy, especially  the Chinese food daddy bought us last night or any fast food

I think that about sums it up for now, although I'm sure both lists will continue to grow. I love you my little minnow, please keep your little heart pumping strong.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Minnow goes camping

Dear Minnow,
           Daddy had  the great idea to go camping this weekend, outside, in late October....this was not a very good plan. It took us an hour and a half to put together the tent, which naturally had bug netting instead of an actual roof. Mommy had to get up and pee three times during the night and walk all the way to the bathhouse in the cold! We spent most of the weekend wrapped in blankets next to the campfire reading. All in all it was a good weekend. Keep growing my little minnow.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God is good!

Dear Minnow,
                Oh my little miracle baby, we almost gave up on you little one. Early Sunday morning I started bleeding. I was staying at your grandma's house since daddy was in a wedding in Minneapolis. She took us to the emergency room at Howard County General Hospital in Maryland where they took blood and checked our HCG levels and gave us an ultrasound. On the ultrasound screen there was just an empty sack, we couldn't see you minnow. That scared the doctors a lot. They also found out that mommy has A- blood which means she has to get a painful shot anytime you bleed so that her body keeps taking care of you. They sent us home telling us that there was still hope but that things were looking grim. All we could do was wait and pray. Mommy prayed so hard for a miracle. There were lots of people praying for you minnow. We went to see the obgyn today, and she told us there was a 90% chance you weren't there anymore, that you weren't developing. Mommy's HCG levels weren't exactly where they needed to be. Mommy cried and cried and cried. It was like a part of her had died. Daddy held us and was strong for us. We told auntie Addy about the levels and Addy told us not to give up hope, and auntie Kai prayed and the doctor sent us for one more ultrasound. I begged God for a miracle and your daddy prepared for the worse, then the very sweet ultrasound tech turned the screen so we could see and there you were!! There you were in your little sack, with a little yolk, and there on the screen was a little flickering light, your heartbeat!!! God is so good little minnow and for now he is letting us keep you! Keep growing my little one. Mommy and Daddy love you so much!!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ultrasound II

Dear Minnow,
            You had mommy very worried today. Today we had your second ultrasound to figure out your exact due date. Last week the doctor told us that you were already 5 weeks along, but according to the pictures they took of you today you are just now 5 weeks. Last week you were just a little white line on the screen but today we could see the little sac you'll be sleeping in for the next 8 months. I have to admit that I am still a little worried about the whole ordeal, but your cousin Addy reassured me that your doing just fine and that due dates are very hard to tell early on. Keep growing my little minnow, mommy and daddy love you so much.
